Evolution 3e Ventilator, eVent Medical

Mekanik Ventilatör
  • Auto Control Mode (ACM)
  • VCO2, Volumetric Capnography: The eVolution Ventilator provides continuous feedback regarding ventilation and perfusion, proper assessment of arterial CO2, dead space and minute ventilation measurements which permits a proper assessment of alveolar ventilation and physiological dead space (Vd/Vt) measurement which permits the assessment of total dead space to tidal volume ventilation in support of the weaning process.
  • 2ml Tidal Volume - for Neonatal
  • Neonatal through Adult
  • Comprehensive Graphics and Trending High Performance
  • PSOL and Active Exhalation
  • Servo Controlled for Precise Breath Delivery
  • Invasive and Noninvasive
  • HL7 Compatibility and Virtual Report
  • High Flow Oxygen
  • Weaning Target Tool
  • Lung Model
  • HEPA Filter
  • SPAP - Spontaneous Positive Airway Pressure (* At SPAP We have 2 pressure levels: High peep: if pressure is 40 and pressure support is 25, as soon as patient begins to breath he is going to get 65 (40+25) and it is going to be very high. It will hit high pressure alarm limit. And patient stops breathing. We do not want this. We want the patient continously breathing all the time. We want patient to be comfortable. This is why we have 2 pressure levels. We are the only one who has 2 pressure support. Unique... 1 PEEP on Low and 1 PEEP on high. The user sets the levels of high and low PEEP (Phigh and Plow) and level of pressure support at each PEEP level (Psup high and Psup low). The method to determine the time at each level of PEEP is set using the SPAP Type control found in the Current Settings window. The user also sets the time spent at each independent PEEP level) ** Our second unique feature at SPAP: There is synchronisation. When the patient is breathing SPON, he is on high PEEP and the time comes to go on the low PEEP, and the patient has decided to have SPON breath. We don’t stop him. We want him to breath SPON as much as possible. We leave him on continuous breath and we go down to low PEEP. Or he is on low PEEP and now it is the time to go to high PEEP, and the patient wanted to have a SPON breath, We want him to breath SPON as much as possible. We wait until he finished SPON breath. This is called synchronisation between the patient SPON and 2 levels of PEEP.
  • HL7 Compatibility and Virtual Report - *CliniNet - * Virtual Report
  • High Pressure System Ventilator
  • Internal Turbine System Ventilator
  • Pressure Regulated Volume Control (PRVC): In PRVC, the clinician determines the inspiratory time and tidal volume. The ventilator performs a series of test breaths to determine lung compliance and the necessary pressure required to deliver the targeted volume. Pressures are then adjusted breath by breath in response to volume discrepancies. Patients can breathe freely above the set tidal volume within an automatic or clinician defined volume limit and the active exhalation valve allows patients to splint or cough during ventilation
  • Noninvasive Ventilation (NIV): When it comes to ease of use and versatility, nothing can compare to eVent Medical’s ventilators. Regardless of where you are in the ED, ICU or on a Transport, rest assured that all of your bases are covered.
  • Closed loop modes
  • Advanced monitoring (WOB, EtCO2, VD, VC)
  • Leak compensation (upto 60 l/min)
  • Delta P: That is the Peak Pressure minus PEEP (Positive Expiratory End Pressure) We are unique to show Delta P. That is the difference in pressure. That shows the moving gases in and out. Nowadays nobody has it. But soon they may have it. But FDA approvals take too long time. We are the first. Cstat = Vt/ (Stable PIP - PEEP if any) or Vt/ (Pplat - PEEP if any). Stable PIP – PEEP : we call this Delta Pressure, Driving Pressure.
  • Weaning Target Tool. In order to see How far are for weaning. It is important for extubating patient. If it does not give you information about extubating, you cannot extubate. How do we know at a glance? Where do we stand in the weaning. So we use weaning target tool. There are 6 parameters. Unique feature.
  • Smart Sigh: There was double it was 2lt. there was so many trauma and it is banned. From time to time you give them an additional volume. Now it is not Double. It is maximum 50% and it does not give harm
  • Recruitment maneuvre: Most high end ventilators has the possible to calculate it manually, we have a unique feature, we calculate it automatically. We are the only one to do it automatically. We calculate inflection points automatically. Otherwise clinican should look at the screen and measuere it on the screen
  • Mechanical Power: We can measure the power coming from the ventilator. This is unique feature that nobody has. Lots of publications are talking about the power coming from ventilator.
  • Mechanical Power: We can measure the power coming from the ventilator. This is unique feature that nobody has. Lots of publications are talikng about the power coming from ventilator
  • Humidification Type: HME – Humudifier – NONE: Doctors are interested in lungs. What are the volume in the lungs. 37 degrees, 100% humidity. Ventilator controls 37 degrees and 100% relative humidity in the lungs. If you do not give this information to ventilator, it cannot calculate. Ventilator knows there is no type of humidification so doctors need to control volume. He has to know all values. So 24 degrees should not be given to patient. High end ventilators has it. This feature does not exist in other ventilators.
  • Our products cover Intubation to Extubating with SBT Advisory Notice (Spntanoeus Breath Trial): If patient is ok, why do you keep him on ventilator. Try an SBT. If SBT works then you just extubate the patient
  • Our ventilator switches from CMV to Spon (or from Spon to CMV) automatically without the doctor being next to patient. This is unique.
  • Adaptive Triger Trial (ATT): This is like SIMV but it works automatically. Trigger trial is the process when the ventilator slowly reduces the mandatory support and monitors the total breathing rate and the minute volume of the patient. Our ventilators do ATT automatically even if the doctor is not with the patient
  • Statistical Information: What happened at first 1 hour, 2 hours or 8 hours or 3 days? These are important periods. What is the % that the patient was in spon or CMV mode within last 1 hour, 8 hours, 24 hours while the doctor was NOT there. Our ventilator switches from Spon to CMV or from CMV to Spon. Nobody does it but we do it. SO, what is the spon% that happened in these periods?
  • Lung Model: At a glance, We immediately can see if patient is compliant, we can see resistance
  • Evolution measures and monitors WOBt, WOB imp. Attention for the 2 kind of WOB (WOB of the patient +WOB of the machine = WOBt). With the new software that we are launching now is unique for us
  • Dual PSOL valves ensure the precise flow, volume and pressure delivery for your sickest patients—true ICU ventilator care— while the innovative turbine design means you can deliver this ICU equivalent care wherever and whenever you need it.